Lean Product Development: Hustlin' for Traction

Dan Martell

Business Hall, sat 24th sep 14:30
60 min., en › cs

In todays world of open source, cheap computing power and API's, it's not if you can build it, but should you build it. The #1 startup killer is running out of time to "figure it out" before you get traction. Lean product development is the methodology that allowed companies like; PayPal, Yelp, and Ardvark to pivot into their market to become a dominate player. There is a science behind the approach and in this talk I'll go over customer development, feature prioritization, split testing, product metrics and agile development as approaches to increase your probabilities of succeeding as a startup.


Dan Martell

Co-Founder, Flowtown

Twitter, LinkedIn, www.danmartell.com

Dan Martell is the co-founder of Flowtown, a venture backed startup that helps businesses turn their best customers into their best marketers. An award-winning Canadian entrepreneur, at 25, Dan formed his first start-up, Spheric Technologies Inc., and watched it grow by an average of 152% per year before he sold the company 4 years later in mid-2008. As an informal angel investor (12 companies), he is active in advising entrepreneurs using lean startup methodology and metrics based marketing to gain market adoption. He's also a board member of the non-profits Startup Weekend.
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