WebExpo Prague 2013
19 – 21 September
Web creation ideas
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unforgettable city of Prague
Meet 1200 web enthusiasts

Listen to talks from great speakers
On many exciting topics
Front-End Development
Documenting Interfaces ►
On boarding someone new to a project can be time consuming. UI documentation is hard. Let's change that!
Huge Web Apps ►
Apps with millions lines of code maintained by hundreds of SWEs. Can vanilla JS + HTML5 do the job? If not, what can? TypeScript? Dart?
HTML5 Video: Present and Future ►
HTML5 video has quickly become the new hotness. How has it grown, where's it going, and what can we use now.
Dependency management and Package management in JS
#dependency_management #requirejs #js
Single-page applications ►
Why SPAs dramatically reduce the cost of web developement.
How to Turn Your Ugly Old CSS into a Clean Future-Ready Beauty
Refactoring CSS to make it maintainable, modular, speed optimized, documented and testable without devoting a whole month to it.
Web development for embedded devices ►
How we fight with browsers embedded in office printers
Software Development
Scaling LAMP doesn't have to suck ►
I went from sleeping in front of my laptop, restarting apache every hour, to automatically scaling servers from my phone.
A startup within UK government
government = innovative + agile + value for money?
Code Reviews with Phabricator ►
What's the value of code reviews and how you can do them in Phabricator.
Elasticsearch: Beyond Simple Fulltext Search ►
Search and Analyze Your Data With Elasticsearch
How to fail a software project fast and efficiently? ►
Failing a software project is very easy. You may do it without even knowing why. I will tell you why in this presentation.
... but we had to kill unicorns
How to handle 200k reqs/min with multi-threaded Ruby on Rails application
Code Reviews FTW! ►
What did we learn after 1½ year of practicing code reviews in several teams.
Getting a Business Collaboration Service Into Cloud: A Case Study ►
Want to build a complete service product in cloud? Come and learn what it takes.
ok glass, bring me a mojito
I'll share experience of wearing Glass and try to open a debate about future use cases.
Design Process
Design for Engagement ►
Because users want to be engaged by products and services, designers need to understand modes of engagement and how to create it.
Strategic design. Probes, coaxing & manipulation ►
Creating the glue to hold a vision together while it's being made real
Visual Design Thinking ►
Telling stories starts from listening to people, and co-creating with them
The importance of contextual user testing ►
Assumption is the mother of all f#ck-ups.
Design without critique is like a flower without water ►
Do not let your creations wither without critique. Harness its power and improve your designs.
Web Directing: Conceptual thinking in online projects ►
Learn how to combine business, design and technology aspects of your website using simple logic of film directors.
Empathy Design ►
Designing for health care & well-being
UX is dead! #OLIE is the Next Big Thing ►
Confused about overusing of "UX" buzzword? Big changes are coming!
Some things you can't wireframe ►
Designing for experience by identifying customer touchpoints.
Fake Your Research ►
Learn the dirtiest tricks to skew the results of your user research (and how to avoid them if you fight for the Light side)
Prototyping with bootstrap & less ►
Another view to make prototypes using bootstrap and less instead of wireframing software.
Service Design
Design Beyond the Screen ►
Introducing Service Design Thinking to Technology Design
Service Design in 15 minutes
A brief introduction to service design for all who create experiences for their audience.
Emergent Service Design: Collaborating Toward SD Thinking in the Real World ►
A UX nut nudging a big, traditional, conservative company to an SD way of being.
Cross-Channel Design
Embracing performance in today’s multi-platform macrocosm ►
Let's make performance optimization and automation a fun piece of your multi-platform development cycle
How to Break the Rules & Get Away With It ►
How to approach designing on platforms with strict design guidelines and conversely how to design the guidelines for such platforms.
Common Mobile Design Fails (And How To Fix Them) ►
Stop Making Crappy Apps
Designing with Sensors: Creating Adaptive Experiences
Use smart device technology, sensors and user data to design a better UX
Universal Design & Accessibility in the Typing Experience: The Sound of One Hand Typing ►
Typing with one-hand in a two-handed world.
How to improve UX by implementing accessibility ►
By way of practical examples I would like to demonstrate how implementing accessibility could make life of your users easier and happier.
Jakub Tománek
Software Development Engineer, Skype
Accessibility in High Contrast Mode ►
Not everyone is fully blind
Creativity, Communication & Marketing
Service is sales ►
Service is sales or: the return on social media
Open Graph Sponsored Stories ►
Laser-Focused Ad-Targetting for Facebook Apps and Content
Universal Analytics ►
Hot news, current status and existing limitations in the new generation of Google Analytics.
Fakebook ►
Facebook, social experiment, life online, trust, information disclosure, teenagers, social responsibility. Fakebook.
Don't innovate just your product ►
Great product goes better with the right go-to-market strategy
Designing the organization... ►
… or how to avoid the customer ruining everything you have created.
Content Is King
Revolutionising the UK government's content ►
GOV.UK - a case study in killing content
What’s in a Story? ►
Creating Powerful Content through Storytelling
SmartTV - A smart ecosystem ►
A quiet revolution about content, technology, and money!
Product Development
The Executioner's Tale ►
Ideas are cheap. Execution is everything.
We built it, and they didn't come ►
A failed product launch, a successful product launch - what did we do different?
Take Hold of the Wheel; Become a Product Owner ►
In these agile ages, product management is no longer rocket science. Use backlog and communication to materialize your vision.
Stop throwing money out the window ►
Build what the customer needs using Lean Startup principles, validated learning and continuous delivery
Speaking to a European world ►
5 tips to a successful multi-lingual website!
Founder Stories
Y Soft global story ►
Designed by Y Soft in the Czech Republic, assembled by Y Soft in the Czech Republic. Sold in 80+ countries ;-)
Lessons learnt running a global startup from the edge of the world ►
Inspire other startups to aim higher and build global companies.
Founder & CEO Apiary ►
Behind every success is a long string of screw-ups
Fixing Image Organization
Can a global problem as image organization be disrupted out of the SV?
Communication in growing startups
Starting from a 2 person startup to a 16 people company brings leads to challenges in terms of internal communication
Blood, sugr, apps, magick ►
From crazy idea, to a regulated medical app
Get your online videos organized ►
Make it as easy as possible
Big Data
(Big) Data Science ►
Got Big Data? Now what are you gonna do with it?
Big Data and Cloud - Better Together? ►
2 + 2 is not always 4. Sometimes it's 3 and sometimes 5.
Why you need predictive models and recommender systems? ►
Data science in your business
Using Hadoop and HBase to Personalize Web, Mobile and Email Experience for Millions of Users ►
Big Data Tools to Build Personalization
How big is big data hype?
Intro for everyone who doesn't know what big data really is
Internet of Things
Energy industry post Edison, Křižík & IoT ►
electricity, Internet of things, big data, smart data, smart grid, smart metering
Internet of Things for Dummies, CEOs & hackers ►
What is Internet of Things (IoT) and where is the value when devices talks with each other
Internet of Things and Open Data ►
There are more autonomous devices on internet than humans.
The myth of the “Smart” Fridge ►
A look at the Internet of Things and the future Smart Fridge.
Life Hacking
How to get any job worth getting ►
Looking for a job is unpleasant, stressful, even humiliating experience. Because you're doing it wrong.
Open Hardware 3D printing and The Internet ►
Online co-operation of Open Hardware community
Small Changes, Big Impact ►
What life has taught me so far
Digital nomad lifestyle ►
Are you silly enough to try it? I was.