Meet the data revolution - Google Analytics 4 is here!
Lucerna Cinema
In October 2020, Google released an upgraded version of the Google Analytics suite — Google Analytics 4. It brings a new approach to web analytics and enables amazing new features to analysts and marketers. That is, of course, if you know how to take advantage of it.
Event-based data modeling, machine learning, cross-platform tracking, multiple data streams in one property, the possibility to connect Big Query... and that’s just a short list of the new features it offers.
Whether you’re a web analyst, a marketer, or a product owner, it’s time for you to get familiar with Google Analytics 4. This talk will provide you key insights and help you understand why it’s the right time to migrate, today.
Aneta Hejnová
Senior Web Analyst @ CZECH NEWS CENTER
Aneta is a senior web analyst, recently focused mostly on Google Analytics 4, which she believes is the future of web analytics. She started exploring the tool right after its initial roll-out and is currently responsible for GA4 implementation as part of the digital transformation program at Czech News Center.