May 28, 2025 2:00 pm
40 min
Lucerna Great Hall
Mockups reflect an idealised version of the product: the perfect text size and faultless content, all taken during a perfect user journey. However, they often fall apart once confronted with real content, technical limitations, and the vast diversity of user needs. We call those scenarios “edge cases”. However, these aren’t exceptions but an essential part of the user experience. This talk aims to redefine our approach to design by incorporating edge cases into the design process from the start. In doing so, we can build more robust, inclusive, and scalable products.
Stéphanie Walter

UX Researcher
Maltem Consulting
Stéphanie is a UX researcher and strategist based in Luxembourg with over 13 years of experience, specialised in enterprise UX, inclusive design, and accessibility. She teaches, speaks, and writes about design, UX research, cognitive biases, and the design-dev relationship, among other topics. She enjoys good tea, bike rides, and drawing illustrations. Her D&D alignment is chaotic neutral, and she is better at keeping her teammates alive in video games than her plants, though she makes an effort. 🌱 Feel free to reach out to her with your research and design questions!