How to fight with procrastination?
“Procrastination, delaying important obligations is a common cause of inefficiency. The talk gives the tools to beat it every day.”
Business Hall 30 min
What is it about?
Petr: The lecture's focus is to how to fulfill everyday's potential as much as possible. How to get as much as 3x more things done in a day and not going crazy at the same time.
What will the visitors get from it?
Petr: The participants will get tangible methods how to increase their everyday efficiency. These instrument take few minutes of a day but make it couple of productive hours longer.
For whom it is?
Petr: For everyone I guess. Who does not procrastinate?
What do I presently work at?
Petr: Breaking the half-truths and myths in the field of personal development. Reading up-to-date scientific research on human motivation, decision making and well-being. Interconnecting knowledge into a personal Wiki-system. Creating simple drawings that help people quickly understand how things work. Consulting, lecturing, leading the GrowJOB institute, writing a book and doing crazy things soberly.
Which of my existing achievements do I value the most?
Petr: I had the opportunity to help directly to thousands of people via instruments created by ourselves that help to fight the procrastionation (the Chivvylist, ToDo Today, Flowlist,…). I value feedbacks from my clients, colleagues and friends as well. I greatly value the one that was given to me on my professional and personal vision by prof. Zimbardo , who is for me one of the most inspiring figures of current science in general.
What would I like to achieve?
Petr: Helping as many people as possible to find their meaning of life and simultaneously giving them the instruments that will help them not forgetting it because of the procrastination.
What do I look forward to at the WebExpo?
Petr: Berry Schwartz says: “The secret to happiness is low expectations.” This is one of the reasons why I prefer not looking forward to anything but rather letting myself get surprised.