CSS Code Quality with Automatic Tools

Robin Pokorný Robin Pokorný CZ Frontend Developer at Wimdu


The declarative nature of CSS makes maintaining a high-quality code base in a team even harder. Take advantage of easy-to-use static code analyzers, linters, and testing tools to help you discover mistakes, code smells, and bad practices. These tools not only check syntax and visual appearance, but also correct semantic markup and implementation – the perfect companions to modular styles. This talk will show you how to interpret analysis reports and test existing CSS.

Robin Pokorný, Frontend Developer at Wimdu

Robin PokornýRobin has been a front-end developer at Wimdu since September. Previously, he was responsible for the responsive redesign of the portal, Jobs.cz. All things front-end interest him, including modular CSS, developments in HTML specification, and game-changing JavaScript frameworks. In addition, Robin is the co-founder of the Frontendisti.cz Group, has authored several open-source projects, and frequently speaks about front-end development. You can also find him recording Brus kódu, a Czech podcast about front-end development in his spare time.