Energy Drink or Energy Management

Zuzana Ruman Koláriková Zuzana Ruman Koláriková CZ Conzultantka at


Why shouldn’t Eskimos (and some of you as well) eat spaghetti?
Why do we need muscles we can’t control?
And what can you do to make sure you get the “minimum effective dose of movement” in every day?
A quick guide to smart nutrition and movement for (not only) IT brains!

Zuzana Ruman Koláriková, Conzultantka at

Zuzana Ruman KolárikováZuzana is interested in how bodywork and the functional link between the human mind and body can help you achieve productivity at a sustainable level. She mainly works with clients, who would like to establish healthy habits (exercise, diet, and overall fitness) despite heavy work commitments - typically busy entrepreneurs, executives, athletes, musicians, and actors. She is the co-author of the concept of Fit for Business - a holistic approach to “smart energy management”. In addition, she is dedicated to raising awareness of healthy living through public campaigns in primary schools, as well as through her food/travel blog.