A Year with Stylelint

Adam Kudrna




When you want to build a quality software, quality code is a must. Following a coding style is one of the prerequisites for it. Stylelint will help you by linting your CSS, SASS or LESS according to rules you define. It watches over your styles in your IDE and also in your build pipeline so you never get broken CSS in production. Let’s see how to get faster code reviews, consistent CSS across your team and projects and sustainable code base that is fun to maintain even after years.

Adam is front-end designer, consultant and lecturer with more than fifteen-year experience in web design and coding. He is front-end and design lead at VisionApps (Prague, CZ) which he co-founded. His work is focused on usability, minimalism and sense of detail. Clean and sustainable code is his obsession. Adam regularly gives presentations at Czech front-end community meet-ups whose Prague’s events he also organises.