The Value of Mentoring - from both sides!


Lucerna Music Bar

Talk will be in English and topic will be #Development

As a teenager learning how to program, Sam Trojan shared his experience with DevFestCZ 2017 and PyConCZ 2018 audiences. In addition to his weekly programming class, he is now being mentored by Vojta Kopal from Mews Systems. They have found the experience mutually beneficial and would like to share the lessons they’ve learned and to encourage others to get involved in mentoring. 

Some questions that will be covered in their talks:

Why would a teenager want to be mentored? What’s the value for them?
Why would a professional take the time and energy to help a young person learn how to program? What’s in it for a company to allow this during working hours?
How is it done? What’s the structure and frequency of the mentoring sessions? 
What is required of both the mentor and mentee for this to be a valuable experience? What do they both have to bring to the session to make it work? 

Sam Trojan is 15 years old and attends a prep school in Prague. You can see his talks at DevFestCZ (Lightning Talk at 30:49) and at PyConCZ (Keynote) about getting teenagers into programming. 

Data explorer @MewsSystems focusing on innovating hospitality industry and your travel experience.