Using Hacking as a Service (HaaS)

Balazs Kutil




Hacking as a Service, where you cooperate with white-hats to identify your weaknesses before the black-hats attack, is new to central Europe. At Showmax, we are cooperating with the HackerOne initiative. We’ll share our experiences with you, positive and negative, so you can decide if “Hacking as a Service” is right for you and your organization.

Showmax Backend Engineer Balazs Kutil hails from Pisek in South Bohemia, where he runs the town’s indie technical library. At Showmax, Balazs built the A/B testing platform supporting web, TVs, and mobile devices. Balazs gets excited designing, building, and debugging distributed systems and APIs. His hands-on experience with bounty programs, from both sides of the issue, gives him a unique perspective to share with WebExpo participants.