Learn to Recognize Possible Harmful Consequences of Decisions In Time
Marble Hall
NOTE: In-Person Workshop: Maximum capacity of 24 people. Virtual Workshop: Maximum capacity of 8 people, and a minimum of 3 (join here: https://zoom.us/j/95856668466?pwd=WWZNWW0rZlRwK01IY1oxeDRtcENBUT09).
Good design delivers results. Excellent design delivers them while doing no harm. Anyone who strives for excellence needs to adopt a habit of asking themselves the question, “Who might get harmed by our decisions before we enact them?”
In order to develop this habit, we need to turn design thinking on its head. Instead of reducing complexity, we need to embrace it by respecting the needs of end users as well as everyone else who is impacted by the product or service throughout its lifecycle.
This workshop is open to anybody (regardless of their professional title or affiliation) who wants to know what it takes to consider the potentially harmful consequences of a decision. We will explore the topic in a playful way, using two specialized card games – The Thing From The Future and Moral Agent.
- You’ll split into small groups and ideate solutions to creative prompts describing possible futures.
- Then, each group will add a specific ethical consideration to their creative prompt and attempts to incorporate it into the solutions.
- Next, you will discuss possible answers to the question, “What can we do to be sure that our solutions do no harm?”
- And finally, all the groups will present their solutions and share their answers to the question.
Matěj Malecha
Service Designer @ Pábení
Matěj and his colleagues in Pábení are service designers who specialize in creating projects with sustainable business models that have a positive impact on the environment and society.
Pábení works with commercial companies as well as NGOs and governmental agencies, encouraging them to adopt sustainable principles as much as their situation allows. Their design approach is centered around rapid iterations and participation from as many stakeholders as possible.