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Megan Dell

Megan Dell

Senior Director of Design

99designs by Vista


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16:00 - 16:40
Lucerna Great Hall

Talk Focus


Designing for a global audience

Compelling UX is achieved by understanding the audience. With 99designs by Vista being a global design platform, the internal design team not only thinks about how to design for a two-sided marketplace but also how to create a great experience regardless of where someone is located in the world, considering the language people speak, the currency they transact in, and so on. Megan will touch on some of the considerations that her team takes into account when conducting UX Research, and how they ensure they’re not just speaking with users that speak English as their first language.

Megan Dell

Megan has been in the design industry for over 15 years. She stumbled upon the field of user experience after being rejected for many graphic design roles because she wanted to create work that was intuitive, rather than just good-looking. She started out her UX career specialising in form design, and has worked for many of Australia’s tech giants over the years. Megan has been leading the Design and UX Research team at 99designs by Vista for the past 6 years as their Senior Director of Design.


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