How to add News to a service with 100M users
Presented by:
Tomáš Kavka

Talk focus:
Talk details:
Creating a content website is not difficult nowadays. You can use Next.js, Remix, or Astro. But what if you have 100 million users a month and a reputation as the fastest sports result service? You need speed, even at scale. Our solution serves users from all over the world, and the score changes appear in our news articles even before a goal hits the TV. In this talk, Tomáš will show you how to do React server-side rendering a little differently and instantly publish even the smallest change to 14 different sites.
About your presenter:

Tomáš Kavka
Frontend Developer and Team Leader @Livesport
Tomáš works as a team leader of the Flashscore web team. He has ten years of development experience as a full-stack developer, but for the last few years, his passion has been frontend and everything around it. Tomáš always tries to find the best possible solutions to problems that sometimes only appear in big projects. He has loved sport all his life, and inspires children to move as part of the "Nenudím se" team.