Legal bugs in software development: Three stories of what can go wrong and how to prevent it
Presented by:
Pavel Čech
Talk focus:
Talk details:
Imagine you are developing custom software for your client. Later, however, you discover that the code you wrote could be used to create a nice product for just about anyone. So what does your contract with your client say? How should you handle this type of situation? Pavel will share three stories that show what can go wrong in software development from a legal point of view and what can be done to prevent it from happening to you.
About your presenter:
Pavel Čech
Pavel's main discipline is IT law. He focuses on the contractual agenda, such as setting up contracts with developers and platforms and solving other IT problems. He has been involved in a wide range of projects, from drawing up contract documentation for a nuclear power plant to serving smaller developers and studios. He is also the co-author of the book "Software Contracts: Their Specifics and the Contracting Process."