The art of not freaking people out: Tips for designing and writing for ML
Presented by:
Renana Albeg
Leah Krauss
Talk focus:
Talk details:
These days, many companies are using machine learning (ML) capabilities to gain a competitive edge. But users are often reluctant to trust ML in products that store personal data.
So, how can designers, writers, PMs, and data scientists design ML products responsibly? How can you reassure our users? Renana and Leah have seven super-practical tips for product and content designers (based on their own research and experience designing for ML). You’ll leave with ideas on how to create a friendly, trustworthy product that won’t freak anyone out.
About your presenters:
Renana Albeg
Senior product designer @Dropbox
Renana is a big people person with a huge smile. She has over seven years of experience as a product designer working on complex systems in B2B and B2C companies. She progressed from working at a startup to companies like Salesforce and Citibank. Today she is a senior product designer at Dropbox unravelling the future of ML and AI tech within their organisation and products.
Leah Krauss
Senior UX Content Designer @Microsoft
Leah specialises in writing for AI and championing ethical AI. She was one of the early writers applying UX principles to complex systems. Leah worked as a technical writer and a journalist before pivoting to UX, and she enjoys mentoring aspiring content designers. Outside of work, you'll find her reading novels or hiking with her partner and three kids.