Evolution of the designer
Adam Hrubý
Design Hall, fri 23rd sep 14:30
30 min., cs › en
Are you Egomainacs or Yesmen? Do you want to be famous or succesful? What's the difference?
Of all the project I have been working on, there is just a couple I remember in a positive way. It's those, which really helped someone. Those, which I started to believe in along with the clients and users. I realized that if I'm doing what I believe in, I do it much better. Obvious this may seem, but it took mi eight years to realize the fact.
I want to show you why designers are the biggest whiners and where does the i-told-you-so feeling comes from. I'll try to explain, why I think designers should not only want to change the world, but why they can not NOT change it. I'll try to introduce a way to challenge your own evolution.
I'll explain basic evolution values of the designer like honesty, curiosity, courage, trust and responsibility.
Finally, I'll reveal an absurd secret.

Adam Hrubý
Creative filmonaut, FILMOCHOD
I'm a co-owner of FILMOCHOD agency, where I'm responsible for creative concepts, design, supervision and design of websites for both commercial clients and culture instititutions. I'm trying to understand the world and people, even if they resist. I'm a holistic thinker and sceptic idealist.
Wherever my feet tread, an advice hits a head. I can't help but doing that.
I'm a fan of community education, sharing of knowledge and socialization of experts.
In my works I exploit eclectic-entropic creative mindset, which embodies in nonconformist inventive gensis, based on intensionalisation of post-chaotic cognitive processes implicating holistic resaturation of coherent archetypes with utilitary refection respecting macroscopic stigmergy.
You should follow me on twitter @adamhruby.