Agenda – Friday 23rd Sep

Development Hall RB101 Development Room NB D Design Hall Vencovského aula Business Hall Likešova aula

Opening at 7:30

Pick up your badge and have a chat at fine breakfast.

Opening Keynote (Development Hall)

Ing. Václav Stoupa, director of WebExpo;
prof. Ing. Petr Doucek, CSc., Vice Dean for Science and Research at FIS VŠE;
prof. Ing. Jiří Voříšek, CSc., head of KIT VŠE department;
Ing. Lukáš Burkoň, specialized assistant at VŠE;
Ing. Štěpán Bechynský, Developer Evangelist Microsoft;
Mgr. Filip Hráček, Developer Relations Google

Paul Kinlan

► Introduction to Web Intents

30 min., en › cs

html5, javascript, web apps, integration

#WE11DEV341 Use as Twitter hashtag or rate the talk by sending SMS to 720 002 002 like this: #WE11DEV341 1–5 your comment, where 1–5 is your rating (like in school).


David Grudl

► News from the BUILD conference

60 min., cs › en

#WE11DEV347 Use as Twitter hashtag or rate the talk by sending SMS to 720 002 002 like this: #WE11DEV347 1–5 your comment, where 1–5 is your rating (like in school).


Michal Táborský

► Architecture of scalable applications

30 min., cs

architecture, scalability, systems

#WE11DEV372 Use as Twitter hashtag or rate the talk by sending SMS to 720 002 002 like this: #WE11DEV372 1–5 your comment, where 1–5 is your rating (like in school).

Ladislav Prskavec

► Deployment in Practice

30 min., cs

php, ruby, cfengine, chef, puppet, capistrano, deployment, configuration management

#WE11DEV373 Use as Twitter hashtag or rate the talk by sending SMS to 720 002 002 like this: #WE11DEV373 1–5 your comment, where 1–5 is your rating (like in school).

Jan Mittner

► Deployment of PHP applications

30 min., cs

automated deployment, phing, dbdeploy, subversion, php

#WE11DEV374 Use as Twitter hashtag or rate the talk by sending SMS to 720 002 002 like this: #WE11DEV374 1–5 your comment, where 1–5 is your rating (like in school).

Martin Kermes,
Martin Jedlička

► On a creative pathway

25 min., cs › en

creativity, process, ideation

#WE11DSN353 Use as Twitter hashtag or rate the talk by sending SMS to 720 002 002 like this: #WE11DSN353 1–5 your comment, where 1–5 is your rating (like in school).

Pavel Maček

► More than decoration

30 min., cs › en

icons, visual language

#WE11DSN319 Use as Twitter hashtag or rate the talk by sending SMS to 720 002 002 like this: #WE11DSN319 1–5 your comment, where 1–5 is your rating (like in school).

David Březina

► Typefaces are the most important thing on the Web

35 min., cs › en

web typography, typeface design, hinting, readability

#WE11DSN321 Use as Twitter hashtag or rate the talk by sending SMS to 720 002 002 like this: #WE11DSN321 1–5 your comment, where 1–5 is your rating (like in school).

Václav Lorenc

► How to price web app?

50 min., cs › en

#WE11BIZ337 Use as Twitter hashtag or rate the talk by sending SMS to 720 002 002 like this: #WE11BIZ337 1–5 your comment, where 1–5 is your rating (like in school).

Jan Tichý

► Bulgarian constant in web analytics

30 min., cs › en

#WE11BIZ336 Use as Twitter hashtag or rate the talk by sending SMS to 720 002 002 like this: #WE11BIZ336 1–5 your comment, where 1–5 is your rating (like in school).

Discuss with speakers in the rooms:
RB116 RB115 RB114 RB113

Michael Juřek

► Developer and cloud

30 min., cs › en

#WE11DEV346 Use as Twitter hashtag or rate the talk by sending SMS to 720 002 002 like this: #WE11DEV346 1–5 your comment, where 1–5 is your rating (like in school).


Michal Augustýn

► The Cassandra Database

30 min., cs › en

architecture nosql

#WE11DEV367 Use as Twitter hashtag or rate the talk by sending SMS to 720 002 002 like this: #WE11DEV367 1–5 your comment, where 1–5 is your rating (like in school).

Petr Ferschmann

► Case study how we transform FlexiBee desktop application to the cloud

30 min., cs › en

#WE11DEV365 Use as Twitter hashtag or rate the talk by sending SMS to 720 002 002 like this: #WE11DEV365 1–5 your comment, where 1–5 is your rating (like in school).


Jiří Knesl

► Test Driven Development in CoffeeScript

40 min., cs

coffeescript,javascript,tdd,unit testing

#WE11DEV376 Use as Twitter hashtag or rate the talk by sending SMS to 720 002 002 like this: #WE11DEV376 1–5 your comment, where 1–5 is your rating (like in school).

Vojta Jína

► AngularJS

20 min., cs

js, ttd, data binding

#WE11DEV377 Use as Twitter hashtag or rate the talk by sending SMS to 720 002 002 like this: #WE11DEV377 1–5 your comment, where 1–5 is your rating (like in school).

Sotorník Jan

► E-shop graphic as a sexy and smart shop assistant

30 min., cs › en

shopping, design patterns, guidelines, ROI

#WE11DSN352 Use as Twitter hashtag or rate the talk by sending SMS to 720 002 002 like this: #WE11DSN352 1–5 your comment, where 1–5 is your rating (like in school).

Jana Štěpánová

► How to non-profit and win

30 min., cs › en

webdesign, design, marketing, promotion, budget, voluntership, bordersetting

#WE11DSN354 Use as Twitter hashtag or rate the talk by sending SMS to 720 002 002 like this: #WE11DSN354 1–5 your comment, where 1–5 is your rating (like in school).

Petr Král,
Karel Pětruchno

► Redesigning

30 min., cs › en

#WE11DSN388 Use as Twitter hashtag or rate the talk by sending SMS to 720 002 002 like this: #WE11DSN388 1–5 your comment, where 1–5 is your rating (like in school).


Wolf Becvar

► Don’t Let Your Baby Die! 10+ Web-App Survival Tips

35 min., en › cs

webapp, branding, marketing, pricing, appvertising

#WE11BIZ345 Use as Twitter hashtag or rate the talk by sending SMS to 720 002 002 like this: #WE11BIZ345 1–5 your comment, where 1–5 is your rating (like in school).

Hubert Palan

► How to run Product Management and UX over the Atlantic - GoodData lessons learned

30 min., cs › en

Product Management, UX, tools, agile

#WE11BIZ355 Use as Twitter hashtag or rate the talk by sending SMS to 720 002 002 like this: #WE11BIZ355 1–5 your comment, where 1–5 is your rating (like in school).


Visit exhibitions of the conference partners in the foyer of each building.

Job Hall

Take an unique chance to find a top-class job or start to cooperate on projects of well-known web agencies. Symbio GMC two bits Web Design Factory Dobrý Web Internet Info Kerio

Nicolas Garnier

► Using Web APIs with OAuth 2.0

30 min., en › cs

oauth, rest, web, apis, google, url, shortner,

#WE11DEV350 Use as Twitter hashtag or rate the talk by sending SMS to 720 002 002 like this: #WE11DEV350 1–5 your comment, where 1–5 is your rating (like in school).


Ilmari Heikkinen

► Introduction to WebGL

30 min., en › cs

#WE11DEV368 Use as Twitter hashtag or rate the talk by sending SMS to 720 002 002 like this: #WE11DEV368 1–5 your comment, where 1–5 is your rating (like in school).


Michal Aichinger

► Doesn't fit your favourites maps API to your needs? Try Nokia Maps API.

30 min., cs

nokia, maps, api, canvas, implementation, howto, javascript, html5, fast, reliable, mobile

#WE11DEV375 Use as Twitter hashtag or rate the talk by sending SMS to 720 002 002 like this: #WE11DEV375 1–5 your comment, where 1–5 is your rating (like in school).


Adam Chvaja

► On-line maps in the Czech republic and the world

30 min., cs

kartografie mapy

#WE11DEV370 Use as Twitter hashtag or rate the talk by sending SMS to 720 002 002 like this: #WE11DEV370 1–5 your comment, where 1–5 is your rating (like in school).


Adam Hrubý

► Evolution of the designer

30 min., cs › en

godot, i-told-you-so, good designers make trouble, intuituon, responsibility, courage, changing the world

#WE11DSN328 Use as Twitter hashtag or rate the talk by sending SMS to 720 002 002 like this: #WE11DSN328 1–5 your comment, where 1–5 is your rating (like in school).

Lukáš Plíhal

Think Big

30 min., cs › en

patterns thinking hats context frame detail priority

#WE11DSN326 Use as Twitter hashtag or rate the talk by sending SMS to 720 002 002 like this: #WE11DSN326 1–5 your comment, where 1–5 is your rating (like in school).

Marek Prchal

► Insight 13 - 19

30 min., cs › en

#WE11BIZ344 Use as Twitter hashtag or rate the talk by sending SMS to 720 002 002 like this: #WE11BIZ344 1–5 your comment, where 1–5 is your rating (like in school).

Michal Vallo

Agility - a modern buzzword for innovations and entrepreneurship. True Story.

30 min., sk › en

agile, scrum, innovation, entrepreneurship, web

#WE11BIZ356 Use as Twitter hashtag or rate the talk by sending SMS to 720 002 002 like this: #WE11BIZ356 1–5 your comment, where 1–5 is your rating (like in school).


Discuss with speakers in the rooms:
RB116 RB115 RB114 RB113

Lukáš Linhart

► MongoDB

45 min., cs › en

mongodb, mongo, scalability, nosql, experiences, deployment

#WE11DEV366 Use as Twitter hashtag or rate the talk by sending SMS to 720 002 002 like this: #WE11DEV366 1–5 your comment, where 1–5 is your rating (like in school).

Daniel Steigerwald

► Beyond jQuery

60 min., cs › en

javascript, ajax, enterprise apps architecture, jquery, google closure, developer tools, current and futrure dev stack

#WE11DEV389 Use as Twitter hashtag or rate the talk by sending SMS to 720 002 002 like this: #WE11DEV389 1–5 your comment, where 1–5 is your rating (like in school).

Tomáš Kostkan

► Functional graphic design

30 min., cs › en

graphic design, communication design, function and form

#WE11DSN327 Use as Twitter hashtag or rate the talk by sending SMS to 720 002 002 like this: #WE11DSN327 1–5 your comment, where 1–5 is your rating (like in school).

Nick Finck

► The Cross-Channel Experience

60 min., en › cs

#WE11DSN384 Use as Twitter hashtag or rate the talk by sending SMS to 720 002 002 like this: #WE11DSN384 1–5 your comment, where 1–5 is your rating (like in school).

Viktor Zeman

► How to sell more? A way from Bratislava to worldwide success

45 min., sk › en

#WE11BIZ335 Use as Twitter hashtag or rate the talk by sending SMS to 720 002 002 like this: #WE11BIZ335 1–5 your comment, where 1–5 is your rating (like in school).

Miloš Korenko

► Free Antivirus and the power of community

45 min., cs › en

#WE11BIZ357 Use as Twitter hashtag or rate the talk by sending SMS to 720 002 002 like this: #WE11BIZ357 1–5 your comment, where 1–5 is your rating (like in school).

Discuss with speakers in the rooms:
RB116 RB115 RB114 RB113

Douglas Crockford

► Serversideness

75 min., en › cs

JavaScript, web development, Ajax

#WE11DEV339 Use as Twitter hashtag or rate the talk by sending SMS to 720 002 002 like this: #WE11DEV339 1–5 your comment, where 1–5 is your rating (like in school).

Luke Wroblewski

► Mobile First

75 min., en › cs

mobile, design, web

#WE11DSN322 Use as Twitter hashtag or rate the talk by sending SMS to 720 002 002 like this: #WE11DSN322 1–5 your comment, where 1–5 is your rating (like in school).

Tomáš Baránek

► An honesty and other fatal errors in algorithms of pre-relationship communication

40 min., cs › en

#WE11BIZ334 Use as Twitter hashtag or rate the talk by sending SMS to 720 002 002 like this: #WE11BIZ334 1–5 your comment, where 1–5 is your rating (like in school).

Networking Dinner

Have a direct conversation with speakers, guests, partners and other WebExpo attendees. Share, listen, learn and boost your business while enjoying premium food on the Friday evening.

Venue: Atrium VŠE.

Enjoy outstanding gourmet experience brought to you by

Development Hall RB101
Development Room NB D
Design Hall Vencovského aula
Business Hall Likešova aula