Think Big

Lukáš Plíhal

Design Hall, fri 23rd sep 15:00
30 min., cs › en

patterns thinking hats context frame detail priority

I have spent the last ten years at meetings listening to never ending monologues, but I have also experienced constructive discussions that have lighten up my life.

Yet it is so easy to experience more moments like that, all you need is to understand functions of patterns and take hold of a certain way of thinking that will dramatically affect the direction of the discussions, but primarily the approach to projects and life.

I will talk about the issue of getting from minus to zero, instead of getting from zero to plus, that keeps us from pushing things further. I will define the pillars of understanding, such as context, frame, detail level and thinking hat.

Last but not least, I will present an interesting technique of prioritization of information through a funny game.

Lukáš Plíhal

Ideologue, Pospolu

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I think out creative concepts, which includes motives of any form of advertisement, communication on the base of briefing, and a conception of a web (either creative or functional).

I'm also working as an art director of the new WebExpo website.