Insight 13 - 19
Marek Prchal
Business Hall, fri 23rd sep 14:30
30 min., cs › en

Marek Prchal
Idea Maker, Red Media
Marek is idea maker at Booster Prague and Red Media, creative director of social media, online and offline projects, and a Buddhist.
He is a co-author of award-winning campaigns Přemluv bábu (it brought at zero cost media space of the value about CZK 30 million), Sedm statečných from ČVUT (Magnificent Seven from Czech Tecnical University) or Pepsi Refresh your World and Pepsi Manifesto. Marek´s topic is in addition to special communication projects a target group of secondary school students and political marketing.
Marek is a member of the Art Directors Club of the CR, a holder of five Louskáček Award (The Nutcracker) and numerous other creative awards in the field of Web and traditional advertising. The agency Konektor nicknamed him "an action hero of the Czech advertising".