Don’t Let Your Baby Die! 10+ Web-App Survival Tips
Wolf Becvar
Business Hall, fri 23rd sep 12:00
35 min., en › cs
Marketing is the hardest part running a web app business, because there is much more to it than just an innovative idea and technical knowledge. Put it simple, without marketing no one cares about your great idea and your cool new service. Marketing is not about selling anymore, it‘s all about communicating and connecting with your audience, creating value and involvement. But first you have to create a lively and expressive brand identity. This presentation is about branding and marketing a technical innovation and should function as an interactive, hands-on session, packed with strategy tips and best practice examples.
You are about to hear 10+ Web-App survival tips you probably won't find on Slideshare and will walk away with an understanding of the importance of marketing and a lot of valuable give-aways (including cheat sheets and free videos).