How to sell more? A way from Bratislava to worldwide success

Viktor Zeman

Business Hall, fri 23rd sep 15:40
45 min., sk › en

Viktor Zeman will discuss background of the global success of product of his company Quality Unit in the affiliate software area. How it comes that small internet company from Bratislava become one of three largest worldwide players on the market, even without massive marketing spending?

He will also deliver a proven tips how to improve results of your own internet business - accordin to his motto "There is always a way how to sell twice as much." From affiliate marketing of your own products and services, key position of customer services in the sales to many of attempts and variations in conversion optimization of his website.


Viktor Zeman

Owner, QualityUnit


Father of three sons and passionate archer started his experiences as a small web developer. Later he was among the guys who started Quality Unit - company which produces world-known affiliate software Post Affiliate Pro.

At the beginning he managed product develompent, recently his job changed to finding an answer to crucial question: "How to sell more?"

He find his answers in the area of affiliate marketing and conversion optimization. He always says: "That would be cool to sell twice as much!"