Responsive is just the begining

“RESS RWD responsive mobile adaptive mobile web devices”

Design Hall 30 min

  • What is it about?

    Lukáš: RWD will not make your web mobile. What is mobile page and how to achieve it.

  • What will the visitors get from it?

    Lukáš: Many questions for their web

  • For whom it is?

    Lukáš: It's for everybody from web design, web development or content management.

  • What do I presently work at?

    Lukáš: Mobile web. My latest goal is to bring technology from mobile web to RWD and create better RESS platform

  • Which of my existing achievements do I value the most?

    Lukáš: Mobile versions of Seznam services

  • What would I like to achieve?

    Lukáš: Make it even better

  • What do I look forward to at the WebExpo?

    Lukáš: Find out something new

Lukáš Kokoška

Development Team Leader