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Conference Talk

Session focus

  • Design Thinking & UX
  • Marketing
  • Research
  • Service Design & CX



May 29, 2024 5:00 pm


40 min


Lucerna Cinema

Session details

In today’s modern world, we navigate a landscape rife with misinformation, which seamlessly infiltrates every facet of our lives, profoundly impacting us both personally and in our professional spheres. For designers, product managers, and researchers alike, the stakes are high, as misinformation has the potential to derail the products and services we dedicate ourselves to, while also posing significant risks to our professional development and mental well-being.

Mastering the ability to discern the essential truths from the sheer volume of falsehoods is not just a skill, but a necessity for ensuring career longevity and safeguarding mental health in these turbulent times.

In his insightful talk, Nick will illuminate the evolving roles of designers, product managers, and researchers in this complex landscape, particularly in light of AI’s enduring presence in our professional lives. The traditional roles of facilitating interviews and distributing surveys are no longer sufficient. Nick will guide you through the transformative journey necessary to become a high-value professional in your field, armed with the capabilities to navigate and thrive amidst the challenges posed by AI and misinformation.

For questions and further discussion find the speaker in the Speaker’s Corner right after their talk.

Meet your presenter

Nick Fine

Principal UX Research Consultant and Strategist


Connect with Nick

Nick is a leading UX researcher with over 20 years in digital design and PhD in human-computer interaction (HCI). As the founder of UX Psychology, he has pioneered methods linking personality to UI preferences, blending psychology and his HCI expertise. Throughout his career, he headed up UX teams for major brands and speaks widely on scientific design. Currently, he's a principal researcher at Adaptavist Group and writing a UX handbook. In his free time, he enjoys drumming and camping.

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