May 29, 2024 10:00 am
40 min
Lucerna Cinema
A pressing question is emerging in the burgeoning realm of Extended Reality (XR): How do these innovations intersect with children? Are they equipped to embrace such products? In what ways should they encounter XR technologies? And most importantly, are we overwhelming them or fostering their growth?
Inbal will shed light on crafting a harmonious experience for young children and will touch upon the ethical considerations creators should keep in mind when building XR experiences and products.
For questions and further discussion find the speaker in the Speaker’s Corner right after their talk.
Inbal Vermus

Product Manager & Head of UX
Skincubator Neocare
Inbal is a UX Designer and Product Manager, with experience in integrating advanced technologies, such as XR (Extended Reality), specialising in products focused on children. She currently leads the Tel Aviv chapter of Design for Children's Rights (D4CR), a non-profit that advocates for the promotion of ethics and rights in child-centred product development. She is also a co-leader of the We Women Experience community, which aims to empower women in the UX profession.