May 30, 2024 1:00 pm
40 min
Marble Hall
What is it like to develop software for developers? And how about crafting a multi-brand, multiplatform design system for established products while competing with giants like Material UI, Bootstrap, and TailWind? In this case study, Adam will share the highs and lows of building a comprehensive design system from scratch. You’ll dive into the challenges of ensuring stability, predictability and reliability, from the initial stable release to conducting in-depth user research. Adam will also explore how to measure adoption, motivate upgrades, and develop strategy based on informed decisions driven by both hard data and marketing tricks.
For questions and further discussion find the speaker in the Speaker’s Corner right after their talk.
Adam Kudrna
UI Developer & Designer
Adam is a UI developer/designer with over two decades of experience in web development. He helps companies build design systems and advises individuals on how to code them. Adam also shares his expertise through consulting, writing, and lecturing on front-end web topics. He has presented at conferences like WebExpo, or FrontKon, and he regularly participates in the community meetings of He is also the founder and editor-in-chief of the Frontend Garden magazine.