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Krasimir Tsonev revealing 6 signs you suffer from Senior Developer Syndrome

So, you’ve earned your senior developer badge – congrats! Being at the top comes with its own set of challenges. At WebExpo 2024, Krasimir Tsonev dropped some tech truth-bombs on what it really means to be a senior developer. Spoiler alert: it isn’t just the coding skills but the habits we pick up along the way. With over 20 years of experience, he knows a thing or two about programming and more importantly the trap of thinking you know everything. Learn from Krasimir’s mistakes, in which you may recognise yourself and beat the “Senior Developer Syndrome.”

Coding like a smart-a*se

Just because you can write a mind-blowing code doesn’t mean you should. We understand the temptation to flex your coding skills by writing smart-arse, complex solutions (that few humans understand) can be strong. But the real challenge and true proof of your mastery lies in making your code clean and simple enough that your teammates and also your future self can follow it without pulling out their hair. As Krasimir said “smart is easy”, so don’t over-engineer and keep your code simple.

No comment, ‘the code explains it all’

You are a senior developer, right? So your code doesn’t need any comments, right? Krasimir admitted he used to believe that, too. But the truth is comments are vital puzzle pieces when explaining why something is done, not what the code is doing. Next time instead of pointlessly stating the obvious, remember that the art of smart commenting is in adding clarity where it’s needed most and letting the code speak for itself everywhere else.

See a bug, sweep it under the rug

Believe it or not, bugs happen even to senior developers. How to handle errors like a boss? Krasimir won the dev audience over when describing the common habit of slapping a try-catch around problematic code and assuming the problem is fixed. Making bugs disappear from view isn’t a solution, they’ll come back to bite you. Capture and handle errors in a way that allows users and developers to respond to them.

Chasing perfection with obsessive refactoring

Refactoring can be both your best friend and your worst enemy. Breaking everything down into many tiny pieces turns your code into an over-fragmented mess – “fragmentation hell” as Krasimir called it, and no one will be capable of putting it together anymore. Refactor only when it truly simplifies the codebase, not just for the sake of abstraction. 

npm install everything

npm is like a candy shop for developers – thousands of JavaScript libraries just a command away. But before you hit npm install, think twice about whether you really need that shiny new npm package. Krasimir reminded us that modern browsers come with powerful native APIs, so always check it first to avoid unnecessary dependencies that lead to performance issues, and the endless cycle of updates. Here too, less is more.

Automated testing, it’s all or nothing

From skipping testing to obsessive testing – that’s the journey toward a testing balance Krasimir shared based on his experience. What he initially perceived as a waste of time for his flawless code has resulted in a whole new testing approach. Over time, Krasimir realised testing isn’t just a way to make sure something works, it leads to confidence, better design, simplicity and smoother adaptation as projects evolve. Krasimir’s advice: Don’t skip testing, but don’t let it consume your entire development cycle either. Find the right balance.

Krasimir’s talk was a humorous and insightful reality check covering the challenges that come with senior developer status. His key message? Don’t let the shiny title go to your head, master the basics, resist the urge to write the most complicated code, just keep it simple, understandable and easy to maintain

Ready for more of Krasimir’s wisdom? Hit the play button below, watch his full talk and learn how to avoid the coding traps even the most seasoned developers fall into.

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