Here we join Veronika Mourková as she discusses how a project manager can provide clear Objectives and Key Results (OKR) within a matrix framework. Ensuring the continuation of team motivation through the journey of completing a project.
Veronika has gathered together her experience with various companies such as Adidas and DigitalEgg. Her knowledge of project management, and indeed people management, is worth taking note of.
Within the presentation, we are made aware of some pitfalls to avoid when big and exciting projects are lined up, but lack team motivation and capacity for the journey. We also learn more about how to overcome the issue of demotivation.
Why are targets not met?
Not reaching the goal in the set time is normally an issue within every organisation. Why? Many reasons really.
- Lack of planning – Without proper planning, it is possible to forget certain dependencies on the project. This can lead to poor completion of a project or double the workload in order to correct any mishaps.
- Capacity – The underestimation of the number of people required for a project can hinder motivation. Shared capacity, where some individuals need to cover numerous roles, will ultimately result in the demotivation of individuals as well as teams.
- Roles – Having undefined roles and responsibilities within the team will leave certain tasks uncovered.
- Lack of transparency – Occasionally team members pass on information to one another via passing in the hallway, at the working desk etc with no real set channel of communication. Here, valuable information may be lost through the lack of a centered communication portal.
What could help with efficient delivery?
Using her background knowledge and experience, Veronika suggests a number of hints and tips on how to establish a valuable group of team members.
- Planning vs Agility – Yes, it is important to be agile, but planning prevents poor performance! Setting milestones along the journey will encourage team members to focus on the smaller job at hand. Having a flexible plan in mind will allow for unforeseen circumstances along the way.
- Expectations – Setting clear expectations for everyone involved in the project. Each individual will know what is expected of them and work towards the execution of each task.
- Structure – Having a structured communication system in place; such as Teams or Slack, will ensure there is no loss in communication within the team.
- Narrow focus – Using goal-setting frameworks, roadmaps and/or OKR will allow team members to be focused on the task. Rather than have a million tasks being worked on at the same time, team members can complete each task at a time.
- Capacities – Dedicating a team to a certain task. This leads to the next hint/tip.
- Ownership – Understanding individual and team tasks will enable everyone to take ownership of such tasks.
- Roles – Using a matrix for indicating roles and responsibilities will allow each team and individual to know for sure what their task is.
Tune into the presentation to see Veronika explain how the RACI matrix is a great example of determining roles for the allocated task and project.
If you are unaware of the RACI matrix, the acronym stands for Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed.
Benefits of creating an efficient and effective team
Planning effectively will in turn save money as most situations would have been thought about and planned around accordingly. In addition, projects will be delivered on time, rather than running over which will no doubt cost more money.
Using the RACI matrix will ensure each team member has a designated role and task to complete. This will avoid people and work overload – it is known how many people are needed for the project as well as distributing the workload evenly.
Having clarity and set expectations of the project will allow team members to take ownership of their workload and ultimately keep motivation high.
Finally, we all need to celebrate the smaller milestones achieved within a project. This is the biggest motivation of all.
Follow these steps and check out Veronika’s presentation to understand more about how to keep motivation alive within team projects.