Power Up - Your Influence on Non-Design Deliverables
Peter Boersma
UX Hall, sat 24th sep 17:30
60 min., en › cs
As a user experience designer, the focus of your attention in day-to-day projects is probably on typical user-centered design activities: research, design and evaluation.
Other people in the organization are responsible for things like:
- determining the price of your project
- how much time you get for your part
- managing scope
- deciding what goes in each release
- how your design will be different from the competition
- and what design process you will use
In this presentation, I will show which non-design deliverables also affect the user experience and how members of the UX team can (and should) influence them. I plan to show real-world examples of these non-design deliverables, highlighting the elements that we can influence, and give tips on how to make sure you get to play your part, and power up!

Peter Boersma
Experience Designer, Adaptive Path
Peter Boersma (1970) is an experience designer at Adaptive Path, working out of the European studio in Amsterdam. Since 1995, he has researched, designed, and evaluated user interfaces for complex, interactive, digital systems. He usually made himself responsible for defining and documenting the design processes of his employers' design teams and promoting them, both inside and outside the organization.
Peter has presented at (and organized) many national and international User Experience conferences. Since 2001, he organizes the Amsterdam UX Cocktail Hours which rarely feature cocktails but always feature beer. In short: Peter is an experienced UX practitioner, design process freak and beer lover.