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Conference Talk

Session focus

  • Content
  • Data
  • Marketing
  • Service Design & CX



May 29, 2024 5:00 pm


25 min


Marble Hall

Session details

What does it take to launch a native mobile application in the public sector with augmented reality (AR) and the largest indoor navigation in Czechia? What’s the best approach to win a public sector tender for developing a mobile application in general?  

In this talk, Adam will share his experience with a tender for developing a mobile application and what it took to bring the iconic fin whale at the National Museum in Prague to life with augmented reality. Get ready to hear key lessons Adam learned about how to install over 1000 bluetooth low-energy beacons, (how not to) create maps for indoor navigation, and prepare educational texts for museum visitors.

For questions and further discussion find the speaker in the Speaker’s Corner at 5:45 pm on Wednesday, May 29.

Meet your presenter

Adam Cironis

Head of Information Systems and Digitisation

National Museum

Connect with Adam

Adam has a background in coding and programming, but like Bilbo, he went on an unexpected adventure and ended up in the public sector. He currently works at the National Museum in Prague as the Head of Information Systems and Digitisation. Outside of work, he enjoys programming in JavaScript, playing floorball, and reading about Tesla and SpaceX.

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