May 28, 2025 11:00 am
40 min
Lucerna Great Hall
During this talk, Nadieh will show you how to create a unique, effective, and (dare we say it) beautiful chart using d3.js, a leading tool for creating interactive data visualisations online. Without any slides and starting from an empty white browser window, she’ll take you through all the nuts and bolts that go into coding and creating a chart with d3, showing you how, with just a little bit of out-of-the-box thinking, you can use SVG in the weirdest ways to get what you had envisioned.
Nadieh Bremer

Data Visualisation Designer & Data Artist
Nadieh Bremer is a data visualisation designer with a background in astronomy and data science. Recognised with the "Best Individual" award at the Information is Beautiful Awards, she co-authored "Data Sketches" and is known for custom visualisations with vibrant colour palettes. Her work, which transforms complex data into engaging visuals, has been used by organisations like Google News Lab, UNICEF, and The New York Times.