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Conference Talk

Session focus

  • Data
  • Design Thinking & UX
  • Frontend Dev
  • Performance



May 29, 2025 3:00 pm


40 min


Lucerna Great Hall

Session details

What do the most successful websites have in common? They’re all fast. Faster sites have happier users. Those happy users visit your site more often and spend more money. But how do you know how fast you need to be? Industry stats and case studies tell only part of the story. You need to analyse your own user data to know when your site is fast enough to benefit your business – and when page slowdowns are hurting it.

In this talk, Tammy shares in-depth insights from her research into the business value of site speed. She’ll also demonstrate how to (and why) gather real user data, know how fast YOU need to be, create a better user experience, and improve the business metrics that matter to you – from bounce rate to conversions.

Meet your presenter

Tammy Everts

Chief Experience Officer


Connect with Tammy

Tammy has spent more than twenty years studying how people use the web. She’s worked on groundbreaking UX studies involving EEG headsets, facial action coding, and Google’s machine learning system. As the Chief Experience Officer at SpeedCurve — a UX monitoring company whose client list ranges from Airbnb to Zillow — Tammy focuses on the intersection of user experience, site speed, and business metrics. Her book, “Time Is Money: The Business Value of Web Performance” (O’Reilly), captures many of the key points of this research.

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