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Keynote: Strategic thinking for everyone

In this talk, Mark will teach you frameworks and tools that strategists use to think through problems. However, he’ll apply the techniques on issues facing people in the audience. You’ll learn:1. Ideas – linear and lateral thinking2. Insights – what they are and how to have them3. Problems – why they’re useful4. The Four Points […]

Designing beyond the happy path

Mockups reflect an idealised version of the product: the perfect text size and faultless content, all taken during a perfect user journey. However, they often fall apart once confronted with real content, technical limitations, and the vast diversity of user needs. We call those scenarios “edge cases”. However, these aren’t exceptions but an essential part […]

Creating an effective & beautiful data visualisation from scratch

During this talk, Nadieh will show you how to create a unique, effective, and (dare we say it) beautiful chart using d3.js, a leading tool for creating interactive data visualisations online. Without any slides and starting from an empty white browser window, she’ll take you through all the nuts and bolts that go into coding […]

Design patterns for search UX in 2025

In many products, search is critical, yet too often it’s forgotten or overlooked. Many users rely heavily on search, and investing in good search experiences is almost always a very smart investment. So, how do people search and what do they expect from a first-class search experience in 2025? And what can you do to […]

Scaling a bootstrapped cockroach startup – New growth way for founders with the help of AI

In this talk, Jan will share his journey of launching and scaling companies like Socialbakers and Ravineo organically. He explores the mindset, execution strategies, and relentless work ethic required to grow a business from zero to millions in revenue. Jan will also highlight how AI can revolutionise startup growth, showcasing practical examples of leveraging AI […]

Whispers and shouts: Ensuring safety amidst LLM noise

Robocop (1987) introduced us to a vision of the future where humanity and technology combined to serve, protect, and uphold justice. Murphy embodied what we strive for in AI today: precision, ethics, and a mission to protect. But ED-209? A cautionary tale of what happens when we prioritise power over control and ambition over accountability. […]

Turn curiosity into data gold with TEDW questions

In this talk, Nikki will share the best formula for asking open-ended unbiased questions, regardless of what you are trying to learn. Although this is a tactic for user research, the TEDW model can help you ask deep and meaningful questions throughout your entire career (and even life!).

Works in all browsers! Interoperability beyond availability

The Web Platform Baseline project gives you a snapshot of the web features supported by all browsers and ready to be used TODAY. Mariko’s talk won’t just list what’s possible across browsers, it will help you figure out what’s best for your product with the tools available right now.  Come and get answers to questions […]

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