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Posts by Vitaly Friedman

Design Patterns for AI Interfaces

As we all are exploring ways to include AI in our products, too often we rely on a good old-fashioned conversational UI to bring AI to life. However, this experience is often painfully slow, the responses are generic and users have to meticulously explain to Gemini, Chat-GPT and others just what exactly they need — […]

Inclusive design patterns

When we think of accessibility, we often think about the usual suspects—colour contrast, legible font sizes, and mobile tap targets. However, accessible and inclusive design reaches far beyond that. In practice, it’s neither straightforward nor obvious — and it’s difficult to figure out how to make the right design choices early to prevent issues down […]

Cache rules everything

Caching is something most developers take for granted. Still, time and time again, it’s clear that most developers don’t understand how to configure their caching rules safely, correctly, or effectively. Do you know what no-cache means? Do you know what the Pragma header does? Do you know the difference between Last-Modified or ETag? Expires or […]

Don’t worry – the design system takes care of accessibility!

Building a product made from components that meet accessibility standards will result in accessible end products – right? A design system can seem like a quick fix for your organisation’s accessibility needs. But if you lack a culture that champions accessibility, you will fight a losing battle. In this talk, Geri will walk you through […]

Breaking down long tasks

In this talk, Nishu explores the new Core Web Vital, Interaction to Next Paint (INP), which will replace First Input Delay (FID) in 2024. She’ll diagnose it using performance profiling, JavaScript libraries, the Long Tasks API, Scheduler API, and Long Animation Frames API to understand how you could potentially solve issues with annoyingly long tasks […]

How to start/restart a brand for global success

Get ready to find out all the fundamentals Michal has absorbed from launching over 250 brands in the last 15 years. Together, you’ll explore the principles, key lessons, and examples of successful brands which not only grew within their own markets but have attracted new audiences and customers globally. During this presentation, you’ll learn: What […]

The secret to creating engaging case studies

Designing a case study is not much different from designing a book. Imagine you’re in a bookstore and want to find the right book. What would you do? Now, imagine you’re a book author and want to sell a book – how would you design it?  In this talk, Anfisa will show you how to […]

21st century skills: How to leverage creativity

If AI is available to everyone, it can’t be the basis of competitive advantage. That means competitiveness will depend on how people think, work, and cooperate together — and their non-AI-replicable skills. Among those, creativity is the skill that can make the most difference. According to the World Economic Forum’s Future of Work report, creativity […]

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